Society for the Teaching of Psychology: Division 2 of the American Psychological Association

STP E-Books

STP publishes a number of e-books in PDF format.   You can download the latest version of Adobe Reader or visit the following websites for instructions on how to read PDFs on a Kindle or Nook.  You may also want to explore print-on-demand options online.

These e-books include essays from exemplary psychology teachers, resources on graduate student training and undergraduate research, and more. E-books are categorized below under the headings of: 

Editorial Board


Lisa H. Rosen (2026) 

Associate Editors

If you are interested in submitting an e-book, please consult the STP e-books submission policy

New Book Spotlight

Alternative Grading

Teaching Tips

Teaching Tips


Research on Teaching

Student Research

Teaching Topics and Techniques

Early Career


How to Subscribe to e-books in iTunes

To subscribe to the podcast in iTunes, select "File" from the main menu at the top of the iTunes program, then choose "Subscribe to Podcast" and enter Or, click on the following icon to open iTunes and automatically subscribe to the podcast (iTunes installation required):

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