Society for the Teaching of Psychology: Division 2 of the American Psychological Association

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Welcome from STP President Loretta McGregor

Guest Column

Loretta N. McGregor,
STP President

September 3, 2024

This month’s guest columnist is Teceta Tormala, Ph. D. Teceta is the Vice President for Diversity and International relations in STP. I appreciate Teceta's initiatives that led to the development of STP's affinity groups and the work she does to support STP members.

Join STP's Affinity Groups

by Teceta Tormala, Ph.D.,
STP Vice President for Diversity and International Relations

Thank you, Loretta, for allowing me this guest column to talk about the STP affinity groups! In 2020, I was co-chair of a STP task force that surveyed STP membership about ways to build a more inclusive and equitable division. One of the ideas that came from the survey was for the creation of affinity groups- small groups of individuals who share a similar social identity or lived experience, and who connect with one another to discuss identity-related experiences and ideas. When I started my role as VP of Diversity and International Relations on the Executive Committee of STP in 2022, one of my main goals was to continue our work to build a more inclusive division, and the creation of affinity groups was one important way to do that.

The significance of affinity groups has been reinforced by research demonstrating their value for connection, sharing, community, support, networking, and advocacy. For many of our current and potential STP members, being in community with other members who share important aspects of lived experience can help to make a warm and friendly organization feel like a truly inclusive and welcoming space. In this affinity group process, we are following the model of other APA divisions and psychology organizations- such as  Division 35 and the National Latinx Psychological Association - and creating a means for people who align around an underrepresented identity or lived experience to connect and engage with one another. Importantly, membership in all affinity groups is open to any STP member.

We put out the call for the creation of affinity groups last year, and I was thrilled about the response; STP members are excited about spaces for connection, support, and community. At present, there are 11 affinity groups aligned around a multitude of educator identities and experiences: Race and ethnic identity (Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi (APID); Arab, Middle Eastern, and North African (AMENA); Latinx; Black); queer identity; in/visible dis/ability identity; community of care and professional resilience; educators at community colleges; educators at Canadian institutions; late career and retired educators; educators who are parents and caregivers. At last year’s ACT conference, the ACT Director, Lindsay Masland, and programming committee graciously created space in the schedule for these newly formed groups to meet and connect. At the upcoming ACT this October, Lindsay has once again blocked out space for the affinity groups; this year, the affinity group meetings will be scheduled throughout the day, to allow conference attendees to attend multiple groups, as befits our intersectional selves.  

For any STP members who might be interested, the process to join or create an affinity group is a straightforward one! To join an affinity group, complete a Google Form accessible to all STP members on our website to note which group or groups you would like to join. To create an affinity group, STP members- individually, in pairs, or in small groups- can email the VP for Diversity and International Relations at with the affinity group that they would like to create and facilitate, and what they see as the group’s purpose. Once the affinity group is finalized, it will be added to the list of affinity groups on our website, and members can choose to join it if interested.

I hope you consider joining an affinity group, or if you see a need for a new group to serve a constituency which is not currently served, to create and facilitate one!

    To read past letters from the STP President, click here.

    To read a transcript of the video, click here.

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