Society for the Teaching of Psychology: Division 2 of the American Psychological Association

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Research Grant

Deadline for applications: 11:59 pm EST November 1 of the current year for funding for the following calendar year.

For information on how to apply, visit (requires login)

To view a list of past recipients, click here

STP is pleased to announce a program of small grants to provide support for research projects on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Consistent with our Mission Statement and the Statement on Addressing Systemic Racism and Inequity in STP, we encourage applications from colleagues who are from underrepresented groups and have diverse backgrounds and experiences.

The grant program is open to STP members teaching Psychology at 4-year colleges and universities, 2-year colleges, or high schools. Research projects in any phase of development are eligible for funding (e.g., materials design, data collection, manuscript writing). However, the proposed project must have a high probability of producing a product that will be presented and/or published in a peer-reviewed outlet, in a timely manner. Grant funds would ideally be used for materials/supplies for research, participant incentives, or travel to promote collaboration on the project. Fund can also be utilized for researcher/research assistant stipends and travel to present outcomes of research. We have a total of $10,000 to award. These funds will likely be divided among several outstanding proposals and awardees may only receive partial funding for their projects.

Proposals require two submissions:

(1)  a cover sheet that includes the project title followed by applicants’ names, institutional affiliations, and contact information.  This cover sheet will be completed via a Google Form available at the application website.

(2)  a project narrative which has no author-identifying information. The narrative must be single-spaced, no smaller than 11-point font, 1-inch margins all around) which includes:

a)  title of project
b)  literature review and statement of question/hypothesis (no more than 1 page)
c)  description of research design and methods of data collection (no more than 1 page)
d)  description of data analysis and expected results (no more than ½ page)
e)  a description of how the project reflects the STP President’s preferred theme and/or addresses the mission of STP (no more than 1 page)
f)  reference list
g)  project timeline
h)  budget (Because of budget limitations, please indicate whether and how you would be willing to go forward with the project in the case of partial support.)
i)  evidence of IRB approval.

Proposals will be evaluated on the degree to which proposal fits STP’s description of the SoTL in Psychology as evidenced by a) clearly articulated research question/hypothesis, b) literature-based inquiry, c) appropriate and sound method of inquiry, and d) likelihood of generating a peer-reviewed product.

The Committee is also invested in funding projects that support the STP President’s theme for 2024: “Cultivating the Next Generation of Psychology Educators.” See President McGregor’s letter for more information:

In addition, innovativeness, potential impact/reach of the product, strength and clarity of the narrative, feasibility, and appropriateness, will factor into the evaluation of proposals. Those evaluating the grants are blind to the applicants’ identities.

Grant recipients will be asked to submit an abstract and a final report upon completion of the project demonstrating completion of tasks described in the original proposal.

For information on how to apply, visit (requires login)

Proposals are due by 11:59 pm (EST) on November 1 of the current year for funding for the following calendar year. Grant award recipients will be notified no later than December 24 of the current year.

If you have questions, please contact the Grant Committee Chair (email:

2023 Recipients

Efficacy of Authentic and Creative Assignments in PSY 110
Dr. KatieAnn Skogsberg

Burnout on College Campuses Examining Burnout among Undergraduate Students and the Mitigating Effects of Self Determination Theory, Belonging, and Work Engagement
Dr. Brittany Avila

Misconceptions About Psychology
Dr. Douglas A. Bernstein, Dr. Lisa Dierker, Dr. Maya Khanna, Dr. Jennifer McGee, Dr. Erin Smith, Caroline Stanley, Dr. Adriana Uruena-Agnes

Empowering diverse student populations in a new course about data science and AI in psychology: The role of passion, self-efficacy, and engagement
Dr. Sara Jill Kien

How Do Teaching of Psychology Authors Approach Data Cleaning and Data Equity?: A Review of Articles from 2012-2022
Dr. Jennifer Ann Morrow

Integrating intergenerational contact in an undergraduate course: Three classroom examples
Caitlin Reynolds, Kathryn Swaim, Cate Humphreys, Dr. Dana Kotter-Gruehn, Dr. Daniel Gruehn

2022 Recipients

An IDEA to Begin Cultivating a Collectivist Community on Campus: Increase Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Courses
Jordan A. Arellanes

Incorporating Constructivist Career Activities in an Introduction to Psychology Course to Promote Self-Efficacy, Mindset, and Agency for Under-Represented First-Generation College Students
Neda Moinolmolki

Student Perceptions of Syllabus Language
Hypatia Bolívar

Concept Mapping in Introductory Psychological Statistics: A Social Network Analysis Approach
Samantha Estrada Aguilera, Chia-Lin Tsai and Gabriel Owusu

2021 Recipients

Study Strategies
Heather Mangelsdorf and Kathryn O'Toole

Preregistration as a pedagogic practice: Embedding open science into the undergraduate dissertation project in psychology
Madeleine Pownall, Charlotte Pennington, Kait Clark, and Emma Norris

What's in a name? Abnormal Psychology by any other name might smell sweeter
Rick LaCaille, Lara LaCaille, Eric Hessler, and Scott Carlson

The effects of a health psychology course on well-being and COVID-19 health behaviors
Julie Rodgers

What's so special about specs grading? Using content-analysis to assess the boasted benefits of specifications grading
Julie C. Hill, Carla M. Strickland-Hughes, and Annie S. Ditta

2020 Recipients

Tradition or technology? A comparison of students' statistical reasoning after being taught hand calculations versus programming
Annie S. Ditta and Amanda Mae Woodward

The psychology of diversity: Evaluation of a new pedagogical approach to teaching about diversity
Louise Chim, Catherine Costigan, and Jim Tanaka

Encouraging collaborative practice testing in introductory psychology
Megan Imundo, Courtney Clark, and Melissa Paquette-Smith

2019 Recipients

Using Content Acquisition Podcasts to Help Graduate Student Instructors Incorporate Employable Skills in their Courses
Elizabeth S. Che and Patricia J. Brooks

Interventions to improve student learning strategies
Carolyn Brown-Kramer

Investigating the Teaching Experiences of Psychology Graduate Students with Disabilities
Emily M. Lund and Anjali J. Forber-Pratt

Those Who Teach Can Do- Development of Professional Skills Through Undergraduate Teaching Experience
Jill Shelton and Stephanie Wells

Training Graduate Student Instructors to Improve Undergraduate Writing and Critical Thinking
Jillian Grose-Fifer, Elizabeth Jeglic and Angela M. Crossman

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