Society for the Teaching of Psychology: Division 2 of the American Psychological Association

STP's 2021 Presidential Task Forces

10 Oct 2020 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

by Susan Nolan, STP President-Elect

I’m excited to announce the 2021 Presidential Task Forces! Please email me at if you are interested in serving on any of these task forces, or if you have any questions.

Task Force on Integration of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and International Initiatives Across STP

The task force will continue the work on DEI that 2020 President Amy Fineburg initiated. The task force will explore how to integrate STP’s DEI and international initiatives more fully in all we do, including membership, programming, awards, and resources. The task force will examine the structure of the organization, including whether there might be more explicit connections across the five Vice-Presidential areas or whether a new structure would help STP move away from the siloed nature of our current structure. The task force will use information from the newly implemented DEI assessments as well as any assessments that they implement. The task force also will offer suggestions to increase inclusion and equity, including with respect to internationalization, in all areas, including with respect to our membership, leadership, award/grant applicants, and invited speakers.

Task Force for Resources for “Pivot Teaching”

The task force will gather, solicit, and publicize resources for “pivot teaching” – e.g., changing modalities mid-semester, accommodating individual students whose situation has changed, integrating more flexibility into courses generally. The resources might include information on shifting to online, hybrid, or HyFlex modalities, for providing online resources for students in a face-to-face course, and for communicating with students in flexible, creative, and inclusive ways. The task force will prioritize top-notch, evidence-based, student-centered teaching and learning as modalities and other conditions shift.

Task Force on Statistical Literacy, Reasoning, and Thinking: Guidelines 2.0

STP’s initial peer-reviewed statistical literacy guidelines were published on the STP website in 2014 (see below for links). Since then, there have been far-reaching changes in the ways in which statistics are taught, and the ways in which changes in best practices for research methodology have driven how statistical analyses are approached. The task force will create updated STP guidelines for statistical literacy, reasoning, and thinking to incorporate what we have learned from the open science movement, data ethics initiatives, and new analytical approaches.

·        Statistical Literacy in the Introductory Psychology Course

·        Statistical Literacy in the Undergraduate Psychology Curriculum

·        Statistical Literacy in Psychology: Resources, Activities, and Assessment Methods

I hope many of you will get involved!
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